Salvation, from what?
We touched on this question briefly last week, this week we would like to expand on this subject.
If we look at the Society’s of the rest of the World, gentiles followed many different gods. They made sacrifice to the idol god’s merely to get the things they would have desired. Many of these Society’s did not believe or have any knowledge of what God considered a Sin. Thus the question begs us to ask if you have no idea you are committing a sin, why then do you need salvation. When this question was posed to a friend this week, the response that was received was a referral to the original Sin’s of Adam and Eve.
So again we ask since the knowledge of the original sin is only found in the Jewish Torah, how did the gentiles know that they were sinful and needed the Salvation of a Messiah?
I would like to refer you all to the book of Number’s Chapter 15:15-16. God directed that there will be one law for all, who will make a burnt offering unto the Lord your God Adonai your Father in Heaven. The Lord God Most High.
Ok so if any who follow the Jewish people and live amongst them are required to make burnt offing for a sin sacrifice are doing so, then why does the Christian Church refuses to accept the concept that Jesus’ death on the cross was for the sole purpose to make a perfect burnt offing to the Lord God Adonai and to remove only the requirement for a burnt offering unto the Lord God Most High. The explanation here lies based on our understanding that in Saul’s inability to separate the Talmud (Oral interpretations of Torah) from the 613 commandments God gave to Moses. (This is an excellent place to find information about the 613 Mitzvot
This can be better understood in the fact that God did not place the requirement for a Sinful offering upon the Jewish people until he brought them out of the land of Egypt. A lot of Christians try to write this off by claiming in Jesus’ death on the cross the Laws of Moses no longer apply. But as we pointed out last week Jesus has taught quite the opposite, again I want to look at Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus tells them if you have not followed God’s Will, the commandments which I have given to Moses for you to live your life by, then regardless of the miracles you have performed in my name I shall not know you and will turn you away from the Kingdom in Heaven.
So in Saul’s running around telling Gentiles all they have to do is accept Jesus as the Jewish Messiah and that will grant them Salvation. So based on our discussion in the beginning of the article he give the Idol Society all they need to get what they wanted. The early Church that was formed by Peter and the Disciples following the guide lines set forth in Numbers Chapter 15:15-16.
My question to Saul then becomes if your Salvation only depends on belief in Jesus the Jewish Messiah. So where then is the Justice or the Consequences for your actions?
The Lord Bless you and Protect you!
The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you!
The Lord bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!
The Articles presented here are copy written by The Light In Christ Ministry in Sherman, TX.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Saul of Tarsus, son of Benjamin Part 6
This week we wish to expand on the differences between Peter’s first hand knowledge of Christ’s Ministry and Saul’s perceptions of his Mission from Jesus.
We want to take a look at these verses which come from Matthew 7:21-24 (Young's Literal Translation).
21 Not every one who is saying to me Lord, lord, shall come into the reign of the heavens; but he who is doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, lord, have we not in thy name prophesied? and in thy name cast out demons? and in thy name done many mighty things?
23 and then I will acknowledge to them, that -- I never knew you, depart from me ye who are working lawlessness.
24 Therefore, every one who doth hear of me these words, and doth do them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house upon the rock.
Interesting choice of words Jesus chose to use here, remember it was to Peter known to them as Simon, your name is to be known as Kefa (Petre anglosized to Peter) which means Rock and upon this Rock I will build my church. Therefore if our thought processes are based in the teachings of Jesus as taught by his Rock, we should be viewed as wise men who build the house foundation upon solid rock.
Saul of Tarsus was given a missionary assignment to carry the good news (Gospel) to the Gentiles. Saul had no more right to change that message then the angel Gabriel (messenger of God) would have to change any message that God sent him to deliver.
Let us again look at Galatians Chapter 2:3, we see Saul talking about how Titus was not convinced to get circumcised by there arguments. And why should he when, Saul is teaching him that he did not have to comply to ensure his Salvation. Let us freeze frame for a moment and ask the obvious question, Salvation, from what?
It is well settled that none lest one is perfect, we all miss the mark. The word Sin has its roots in a Hebrew archery term, which means just as stated above you missed the mark. Just because we all miss the mark does not mean that we can through away our bows and arrows and quite shooting at the target in a noble attempt to hit the bulls eye. The target is the 613 Mitzvoth in the Torah which set out the meaning of Sin. If you remove the Torah/target there is nothing to require salvation from.
In continuing on our thoughts from last week over Saul’s arguments with Peter, let’s return to Deuteronomy 18:18-20, Saul is claiming to be doing all these things in the name of Jesus, and that he was instructed to do so, but his actions were not speaking for his words. Jesus never told anyone that the Law the 613 Mitzvoth no longer mattered, but quite the opposite. Where he tells those listening to him preach, in Matthew 7:21-23, regardless of the things they perform in his name, if they are not following the will of the Father Adonai, meaning the Torah Law, then I will not know you.
Peter being present through out Jesus’ ministry would have had direct understanding of the meanings of Jesus’ statement. It is well established through to many scriptures to quote here that when the disciples were confused Jesus was quick to rebuke them. This is why Peter was so vehement about the Gentiles living like the Jew (Obedience to the Torah). I would like to give Saul the benefit of the doubt he being a Pharisees and having been learned in Talmud and Torah his teachings would have limited him in his ability to separate the two.
The Lord Bless you and Protect you!
The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you!
The Lord bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!
The Articles presented here are copy written by The Light In Christ Ministry in Sherman, TX.
We want to take a look at these verses which come from Matthew 7:21-24 (Young's Literal Translation).
21 Not every one who is saying to me Lord, lord, shall come into the reign of the heavens; but he who is doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, lord, have we not in thy name prophesied? and in thy name cast out demons? and in thy name done many mighty things?
23 and then I will acknowledge to them, that -- I never knew you, depart from me ye who are working lawlessness.
24 Therefore, every one who doth hear of me these words, and doth do them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house upon the rock.
Interesting choice of words Jesus chose to use here, remember it was to Peter known to them as Simon, your name is to be known as Kefa (Petre anglosized to Peter) which means Rock and upon this Rock I will build my church. Therefore if our thought processes are based in the teachings of Jesus as taught by his Rock, we should be viewed as wise men who build the house foundation upon solid rock.
Saul of Tarsus was given a missionary assignment to carry the good news (Gospel) to the Gentiles. Saul had no more right to change that message then the angel Gabriel (messenger of God) would have to change any message that God sent him to deliver.
Let us again look at Galatians Chapter 2:3, we see Saul talking about how Titus was not convinced to get circumcised by there arguments. And why should he when, Saul is teaching him that he did not have to comply to ensure his Salvation. Let us freeze frame for a moment and ask the obvious question, Salvation, from what?
It is well settled that none lest one is perfect, we all miss the mark. The word Sin has its roots in a Hebrew archery term, which means just as stated above you missed the mark. Just because we all miss the mark does not mean that we can through away our bows and arrows and quite shooting at the target in a noble attempt to hit the bulls eye. The target is the 613 Mitzvoth in the Torah which set out the meaning of Sin. If you remove the Torah/target there is nothing to require salvation from.
In continuing on our thoughts from last week over Saul’s arguments with Peter, let’s return to Deuteronomy 18:18-20, Saul is claiming to be doing all these things in the name of Jesus, and that he was instructed to do so, but his actions were not speaking for his words. Jesus never told anyone that the Law the 613 Mitzvoth no longer mattered, but quite the opposite. Where he tells those listening to him preach, in Matthew 7:21-23, regardless of the things they perform in his name, if they are not following the will of the Father Adonai, meaning the Torah Law, then I will not know you.
Peter being present through out Jesus’ ministry would have had direct understanding of the meanings of Jesus’ statement. It is well established through to many scriptures to quote here that when the disciples were confused Jesus was quick to rebuke them. This is why Peter was so vehement about the Gentiles living like the Jew (Obedience to the Torah). I would like to give Saul the benefit of the doubt he being a Pharisees and having been learned in Talmud and Torah his teachings would have limited him in his ability to separate the two.
The Lord Bless you and Protect you!
The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you!
The Lord bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!
The Articles presented here are copy written by The Light In Christ Ministry in Sherman, TX.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Saul of Tarsus, son of Benjamin Part 5
Today I would like to look at Saul’s meeting with Jesus on the road to Damascus. If we look at Acts Chapter 9, Saul encounters Jesus, on the road and Jesus blinded him, to prove his power and might over him. The blinding was also a consequence for his actions against Jesus’ followers. He was given three days to contemplate his actions. A point I would like to make here is Saul spent that time repenting for his actions, towards the followers of Jesus. He accepted the responsibility for his misunderstood beliefs that Jesus wasn’t the Messiah.
Why would Jesus commission Saul to minister to the Gentiles? I would like to delve deeper into this question. To understand this one must first understand the operations of the Sanhedrin, and there limited role in Governing Roman occupied Judea. In a rather loose co-existence with the Roman Governor they had very little authority even unto their own people and no authority what so ever over a Roman Citizen. Saul being both a member of the Sanhedrin, and a Roman Citizen would have given him an authoritative voice among the Jews, and immunity from the very persecution that he was caring out for the Sanhedrin.
Now let’s apply a different angle on this subject, before the crucifixion of Jesus, Jesus took aside one of his first followers, a man at the time known only as Simon. And asked him “whom do you think I am” Simon replied you are the “Messiah” Jesus then informed him that he had knowledge given to him by the Father Adonai for he did not tell him this. Jesus then said from this day forward you shall be known as Kefa (Greek translation Petre which was later anglosized to Peter) which means Rock, and said that upon this rock I will build my community. (Later translations from the Aramaic use community to mean church).
Saul, not being a follower of Jesus during his life time, would not have known that Jesus had commissioned Peter to be the Rock upon which he would build his community. If one looks closer at Acts Chapter 9:10 we can see that Saul was chosen by Jesus to spread his message to the Gentiles, not to take charge of the community. Thus starting the big battle between Saul and Peter, Saul being a Pharisees who had an understanding of the Talmud with which Peter would not have been so influenced by.
Saul being accustomed to being a leader amongst the Jewish community could have had a natural tendency to over step his charge. Remember when Saul makes such comments as in Titus Chapter 1:10 “For there are many especially from the Circumcision faction, who are rebellious who delude people’s minds with there worthless and misleading talk” The Circumcision faction Saul is referring to here is Peter and his followers. These second verse is Galatians 2:14 “But when I saw they were not walking in a straight path, keeping in line with the truth of the good news, I said to Peter right in front of everyone, “If you, who are a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, why are you forcing the gentile to live like a Jew?””
The context of Saul’s chastising Peter was the fact that he had been eating with the Gentiles, prior to Saul’s factions arrival and then separated himself form the Gentiles, after Saul’s arrival. Understand Saul’s complaint is over the Talmudic Laws of keeping Kosher. Which brings us back to the difference between what Jesus taught about Talmud (Doctrine) vs. Torah?
Most of the conflicts came between Peter and Saul over the laws of the Talmud, the laws generated by the Sanhedrin and the elder’s of the Jewish community. The Doctrine that Jesus was rebuking.
The Lord Bless you and Protect you!
The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you!
The Lord bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!
The Articles presented here are copy written by The Light In Christ Ministry in Sherman
Why would Jesus commission Saul to minister to the Gentiles? I would like to delve deeper into this question. To understand this one must first understand the operations of the Sanhedrin, and there limited role in Governing Roman occupied Judea. In a rather loose co-existence with the Roman Governor they had very little authority even unto their own people and no authority what so ever over a Roman Citizen. Saul being both a member of the Sanhedrin, and a Roman Citizen would have given him an authoritative voice among the Jews, and immunity from the very persecution that he was caring out for the Sanhedrin.
Now let’s apply a different angle on this subject, before the crucifixion of Jesus, Jesus took aside one of his first followers, a man at the time known only as Simon. And asked him “whom do you think I am” Simon replied you are the “Messiah” Jesus then informed him that he had knowledge given to him by the Father Adonai for he did not tell him this. Jesus then said from this day forward you shall be known as Kefa (Greek translation Petre which was later anglosized to Peter) which means Rock, and said that upon this rock I will build my community. (Later translations from the Aramaic use community to mean church).
Saul, not being a follower of Jesus during his life time, would not have known that Jesus had commissioned Peter to be the Rock upon which he would build his community. If one looks closer at Acts Chapter 9:10 we can see that Saul was chosen by Jesus to spread his message to the Gentiles, not to take charge of the community. Thus starting the big battle between Saul and Peter, Saul being a Pharisees who had an understanding of the Talmud with which Peter would not have been so influenced by.
Saul being accustomed to being a leader amongst the Jewish community could have had a natural tendency to over step his charge. Remember when Saul makes such comments as in Titus Chapter 1:10 “For there are many especially from the Circumcision faction, who are rebellious who delude people’s minds with there worthless and misleading talk” The Circumcision faction Saul is referring to here is Peter and his followers. These second verse is Galatians 2:14 “But when I saw they were not walking in a straight path, keeping in line with the truth of the good news, I said to Peter right in front of everyone, “If you, who are a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, why are you forcing the gentile to live like a Jew?””
The context of Saul’s chastising Peter was the fact that he had been eating with the Gentiles, prior to Saul’s factions arrival and then separated himself form the Gentiles, after Saul’s arrival. Understand Saul’s complaint is over the Talmudic Laws of keeping Kosher. Which brings us back to the difference between what Jesus taught about Talmud (Doctrine) vs. Torah?
Most of the conflicts came between Peter and Saul over the laws of the Talmud, the laws generated by the Sanhedrin and the elder’s of the Jewish community. The Doctrine that Jesus was rebuking.
The Lord Bless you and Protect you!
The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you!
The Lord bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!
The Articles presented here are copy written by The Light In Christ Ministry in Sherman
Saul of Tarsus, son of Benjamin Part 4
Over the past several weeks I have set the stage for Saul of Tarsus, son of Benjamin and the murder of brothers for there belief that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah.
Saul of Tarsus being a Pharisee was tasked to bring before the Sanhedrin any and all of the followers of Jesus, as the Sanhedrin was the main body who decided all the Judgments for Jerusalem and all of Israel. This was the Body of Men who decided that Jesus was not the Messiah of Israel and turned him over to the Romans for Crucifixion.
The mind set of Saul and the Sanhedrin was that Jesus of Nazareth did not fit their interpretations of the Prophetic prophecies as written in the scriptures of the Prophets. Bear in mind that it states in the scriptures he would be forsaken by his own people. In Isaiah 53 we can see how God gave Isaiah the words which reveal how the Messiah will arrive and what he will do for them. Isaiah 53-5 “but he was wounded because of our crimes, crushed because of our sins; the disciplining that makes us whole fell on him, and by his bruises or in fellowship with him are we healed.
At this point I would like to examine the book of Daniel Chapter 9 as a good example of how the Sanhedrin and the Kings have always followed their interpretations of the Law. Chapter 9 starts out with Daniel, seeking in Meditation, the meaning of the time frame given to Jeremiah, about the desolation of Jerusalem. Turning to verse 6, the statement that Daniel, makes here is a very important one. In his prayer to the Lord, he comes clean for all the sins of Israel.
This statement he makes, about the people, not following the warnings of the Prophets, God sent to them with his message, really says it all. It speaks of a people who followed there leaders, believing what they say and teach, is the truth. This is the mind set of a people who believe the interpretations of Torah, set forth by the Sanhedrin, and written in Talmud (Oral Interpretation), were correct.
The next few statements come from Deuteronomy Chapter 18:18-20.
I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.
But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
If one looks closely at the statements of Moses above, Gods directions to the people were very clear, when I send Prophets to speak my words, heed these words for you will answer to the Lord for your misguiding. We each have an obligation to understand these Laws, read what the Prophets have spoken in his name, and each of us alone are responsible for our own choices. Even if we are lead astray by someone who claims to tell us what he believes based on his teachings.
The Lord Bless you and Protect you!
The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you!
The Lord bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!
The Articles presented here are copy written by The Light In Christ Ministry in Sherman
Saul of Tarsus being a Pharisee was tasked to bring before the Sanhedrin any and all of the followers of Jesus, as the Sanhedrin was the main body who decided all the Judgments for Jerusalem and all of Israel. This was the Body of Men who decided that Jesus was not the Messiah of Israel and turned him over to the Romans for Crucifixion.
The mind set of Saul and the Sanhedrin was that Jesus of Nazareth did not fit their interpretations of the Prophetic prophecies as written in the scriptures of the Prophets. Bear in mind that it states in the scriptures he would be forsaken by his own people. In Isaiah 53 we can see how God gave Isaiah the words which reveal how the Messiah will arrive and what he will do for them. Isaiah 53-5 “but he was wounded because of our crimes, crushed because of our sins; the disciplining that makes us whole fell on him, and by his bruises or in fellowship with him are we healed.
At this point I would like to examine the book of Daniel Chapter 9 as a good example of how the Sanhedrin and the Kings have always followed their interpretations of the Law. Chapter 9 starts out with Daniel, seeking in Meditation, the meaning of the time frame given to Jeremiah, about the desolation of Jerusalem. Turning to verse 6, the statement that Daniel, makes here is a very important one. In his prayer to the Lord, he comes clean for all the sins of Israel.
This statement he makes, about the people, not following the warnings of the Prophets, God sent to them with his message, really says it all. It speaks of a people who followed there leaders, believing what they say and teach, is the truth. This is the mind set of a people who believe the interpretations of Torah, set forth by the Sanhedrin, and written in Talmud (Oral Interpretation), were correct.
The next few statements come from Deuteronomy Chapter 18:18-20.
I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.
But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
If one looks closely at the statements of Moses above, Gods directions to the people were very clear, when I send Prophets to speak my words, heed these words for you will answer to the Lord for your misguiding. We each have an obligation to understand these Laws, read what the Prophets have spoken in his name, and each of us alone are responsible for our own choices. Even if we are lead astray by someone who claims to tell us what he believes based on his teachings.
The Lord Bless you and Protect you!
The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you!
The Lord bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!
The Articles presented here are copy written by The Light In Christ Ministry in Sherman
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