Monday, August 24, 2009

Stepping out of the Comfort Zone 14

This week we want to continue our discussions from the last several weeks on Reincarnation of ones Soul. As we had explained last week that the verse in Hebrews 9:27 is one statement many Theologians claim that rebukes this reality, and is what we will continue to address this week.

Since we are unable to research the Talmud online it was important to seek a response from someone who would be able to give us Talmudic references to Judgment upon death to better illustrate the Jewish perspective on this subject. Here are three different excerpts from the Talmud which reference this subject.
Ethics of our Fathers 3:1 Akavia the son of Mahalalel would say: Reflect upon three things and you will not come to the hands of transgression. Know from where you came, where you are going, and before whom you are destined to give a judgment and accounting. From where you came--from a putrid drop; where you are going--to a place of dust, maggots and worms; and before whom you are destined to give a judgment and accounting--before the supreme King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He. ibid 3:16 He would also say: Everything is placed in pledge, and a net is spread over all the living. The store is open, the storekeeper extends credit, the account-book lies open, the hand writes, and all who wish to borrow may come and borrow. The collection-officers make their rounds every day and exact payment from man, with his knowledge and without his knowledge. Their case is well founded, the judgment is a judgment of truth, and ultimately, all is prepared for the feast. ibid 4:22 He would also say: Those who are born will die, and the dead will live. The living will be judged, to learn, to teach and to comprehend that He is G-d, He is the former, He is the creator, He is the comprehender, He is the judge, He is the witness, He is the plaintiff, and He will judge. Blessed is He, for before Him there is no wrong, no forgetting, no favoritism, and no taking of bribes; know, that everything is according to the reckoning. Let not your heart convince you that the grave is your escape; for against your will you are formed, against your will you are born, against your will you live, against your will you die, and against your will you are destined to give a judgment and accounting before the king, king of all kings, the Holy One, blessed be He.

I guess when one looks closer at these reflections from the Talmudic Laws it will give us a greater in sites into understanding the reason for the statement made in Hebrews. Keep in mind the Jewish people were the ones he was addressing in this text. As we explained in last weeks article this was just another reason why we think Paul was the author of this book, Paul would have been educated in these Talmudic teachings.

Although many of the teachings of Jewish and Christian Theologians wish to portray the non-existence of Reincarnation of Ones Soul, for the purpose of showing that to them the important point is not that it doesn’t exist, but what is important is that we are following God’s directions while we are here today, Love our neighbors, help the poor use the resources God has provided to us to care for others and not be selfish and use them only for our selfish desires.

The absents of any great details of just what Adonai’s Judgments will be is enough information for our belief that although this physical body will not return to this Physical plane our Soul will be judged for our merits and our wrong doings, as Jesus spoke of many times What you have done to unto the least of my brotherin you, you have done it unto me. Now it is important to note that anytime Jesus referred to his brotherin, he was referring specially to the Jewish people.

In closing this discussion one important point Jesus made to us all found in –Matthew 7:7 or Luke 11:9, Jesus tells us this “Seek and Yea Shall find Ask and it shall be given unto you Knock and it shall be opened unto you.” The point in closing is Jesus never told us that in giving us what we seek we would like what we are shown in truth. It is for us to choose to believe and follow Jesus or listen and follow Man’s interpretations of God’s directions.

The Lord Bless you and Protect you!
The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you!
The Lord bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!
The Articles presented here are copy written by The Light In Christ Ministry in Sherman, TX

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