Friday, November 20, 2009

What do we Sacrifice for Adonai (The Lord God Most High)?

During our preparation for the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur, we spent time having discussions about the place of the Tribe of Levi during these holidays.

So what is the connection in all off this you might ask? In order to see the connection we first take a look into the book of Genesis 34 &49:5-7. In this we see Shimon and Levi go after the man who raped their sister. After the young man his Father and their followers became circumcised thus complying with the agreement with Jacob. They did this in order to share their women. Shimon and Levi then go into the city and killed every man took all their possessions, the women, children and all of there animals. Jacob becoming enraged with them sought the will of the Lord and was given directions to pack everything he owned and move to the place where he fought with the Lord. As we look into Genesis 49:5-7 we see on Jacobs death bed that he promised Shimon and Levi that there children shall be scattered throughout the people of Israel.

Ok moving forward several generations we see Adonai pulling out one of the Son’s of Levi and choosing him to lead his people out of bondage and at that time create the people of Israel. At this point God requires Moses to count all the people by family, after this count is complete God tells him that instead of taking the first born from each family he will take the Levites in their place. Thus fulfilling Jacob’s words, that the Son’s of Levi will be scattered through out the land of Israel.

This past week a good friend reminded me of the Story about the little girl who sees a string of costume Pearls in the store and she does extra chores in order to make enough money to buy those fake Pearls. Every night when she would say her prayers with her Father he would ask her if he could have those Pearls. They were the thing she most wanted to hold on to in this world. Then one night while she was praying with her Father again he asked for those Pearls. This time she gave in and handed those fake Pearls up, and to her Father, who then returned to her a real set of Pearls.

The point in using this story is this, the Son’s of Levi were never given a chance to turn over there Pearls to Adonai, he had chosen them to replace all the first born of Israel to serve Adonai, by not only caring for his Temple, but all of the People of Israel. The Levites were to be in servitude to Adonai and all the people of Israel from the age of 25-50 then sever as teachers without physical labors. So where does that leave the people of Israel? Well let us address that for a minute. According to the Torah, the Levites were not allowed to possess any Land or holdings of their own. How this worked and this is our understanding that the Levites were given land to live on and care for. These lands in each of the Tribal communities were strictly for the use of the Levities. This was in a sense payment for their servitude to that community. If a Levite went from one community to another he took only his personal possessions, at the new community he would then be given a share of the Levities possessions of that community. This was Adonai’s way of providing for this servitude for which they had been chosen, not asked or given the choice, but required.

Today Christians Theologians based on the teachings of Paul try to explain and teach that it is every persons responsibility to share to good news and to minister to those in need. Why do they continue to use the Torah and Cultural Jewish Teachings, but refuse to speak up that these are the teachings of Jewish culture and of Jesus himself? His teaching’s strictly comes from the Torah and not the New Testament. What Jesus teaches of in the New Testament is directly from the Laws as given by Moses although in some cases he makes greater restrictions on certain Laws.

The fake Pearls in this story represent the things of this physical world in which we choose to hold on to our fear, anxieties anything we refuse to turn over to Adonai. To us they also represent the way today’s Christian Theologians teach their flocks. So maybe it is time for you to give up the fake pearls and open your eyes to the true teaching of Jesus the Jewish Messiah, realizing that every single time Jesus used the term “it is written or the scriptures’ say”, he was referring strictly to the Torah.

The Lord Bless you and Protect you!
The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you!
The Lord bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!
The Articles presented here are copy written by The Light In Christ Ministry in Sherman, TX

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