Monday, May 3, 2010

A Soul’s Purpose

As a former United States Marine, I took an oath to serve and protect this country. Friday night I was asked by a friend to listen to a study given by Michael Berg, in which he gave a lesson on the Torah Portion for this week. May 2, 2010, was the 33rd day between Passover and Shavuot, for those who may not under stand this, it is written for us to count the days between when God delivered the Jewish people from Bondage in Egypt, to when He provided them with the Torah. On both of these great days, the people were to give thanks and provide a sacrificial offering unto Adonai (The Lord God Most High).

If you think Christians don’t follow this practice, well your wrong. Instead of counting the Omar, today’s Christians count the days of Pentecost. Interestingly, it’s the same number of days for the same events. God removes the people from bondage and then returns to give them instructions on how to live their lives in service to Adonai. In the case of Christians, Jesus died on the cross for their sins, then returned to instruct them further on living a godly life and on the message they were to bring to the Gentile world.

One must not forget that we are speaking of Jewish people here that were witnesses to these events. Once again he comes to the Jewish people to redeem them from the man-made bondage they had chosen to create. Yes you heard me right—man-made bondage they have chosen to create.
How then, you might ask, is following the Torah a man-made bondage?

Well that is a good question. See, the Jewish people who were in control of the land of Israel (and not the Romans) were a corrupted line of scholars who, in their quest to live like the societies around them, had forsaken Adonai. They created these rules and regulations based on men’s interpretations of the Torah and what they were supposed to do. Those Jesus taught understood he was the perfect sacrifice for our sin offering in the Temple, meaning there was no longer a need to bring a sacrifice before the Lord at these appointed times during the year, but it didn’t mean we should stop observing those days or create different ones for the same purpose.

Jesus, the sacrifice for our sins, removed the corruption from those whose decision it was to use the Torah in order to achieve their own desires.

So then why is it that we still refuse to listen and follow his directions? I would like those of you who are reading this to step back and really listen to this closely. Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, didn’t come 2,000 years ago to save the people of Israel! Sorry, but I need to say this yet again. Jesus didn’t come 2,000 years ago to save the people of Israel! He came, in fact, to awaken the souls of the rest of the world to the Laws and Light of the Torah and the Creator Adonai (The Lord God Most High). What is this you say? Wasn’t one of Jesus’ statements, “first to the Jew then to the Greek?”

Yes, let us look a little deeper into that statement made by Jesus, “first to the Jew then the Greek.” Does the Greek know of or have any understanding of Torah and Adonai? The answer is NO.

So then doesn’t it stand to reason that Adonai would use the Jews to bring his Torah and message of salvation to them first? He chooses them first to show his mighty power in bringing them out of bondage from Egypt.

Ok so back to my point. In Michael Berg’s lesson, he teaches of the understanding that when our soul enters this physical plane it is only but a small portion that enters a human body, and that the rest of our soul remains in the perfect world of the Lord Adonai and that, through our service and spiritual work, we connect to the rest of our soul remaining in the world of Adonai.

The sacrifice requirements were then used to open ourselves and receive from the part of our soul that reminded in the world of Adonai. This means that, in following a spiritual path and following the Torah or (Old Testament), we bring to ourselves the part of our soul that has remained with Adonai (The Lord God Most High). We are then enabled to gain a greater understanding of that which we have come to fulfill in this present lifetime.

The whole point of our soul’s purpose is to serve Adonai (The Lord God Most High) and to provide for those He has instructed us to care for. Jesus himself has instructed Christians to care for those same people that the Lord instructed the people of Israel to care for upon receiving the Torah from His own words on Mt. Sinai. It is written that the Lord Himself came to the people and instructed them with the Torah on Shavuot.

The Lord bless you and protect you!
The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you!
The Lord bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!

The Articles presented here are copy written by The Light In Christ Ministry in Sherman, TX. If you have been following our articles and you happened to miss one or two please feel free to read them on our Blog at Also you can find the Ten Sefirot and the meanings for further reference as needed. If we haven’t posted a missed article please e-mail at or call me at 903-819-6777.

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