Saturday, March 7, 2009

About this Ministry

Our goal is “to educate Christians seeking to gain a more thorough understanding of what Christ said, based upon His Judaic background. This is quite different from what doctrine has taught most of us. It is an attempt to shake off the shackles of doctrine.

Jesus was a Jew. In fact he was the only perfect Jew who ever lived. Jesus was the only person to fit the criteria of messianic prophecies. We need to understand Jesus life as a Jew and not mold him into our ideas of what Christian should be.

I have heard too many times that the Jews killed Jesus. To accept this as a basis for our beliefs we must look into the eyes of the Messiah and call him a liar. ‘No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father’ John 10:18

Through this type of thinking the chosen people of GOD have been cast in a negative light since the crucifixion. One would then rhetorically ask why did the Jews not accept him. The answer is painted throughout the scriptures of the Messianic Prophecies; for do they not state he would be rejected by his own people? If they had not rejected him, he would not have been the Messiah. For as Jesus knew the Cross before the Crucifixion so also did the prophets know that these things had to come to pass for the salvation of the world to accrue?

We start by asking several questions of you as the reader, not to question your faith, but to help you understand the truth in what is to lie ahead.

(1) Is Jesus still alive today? (Yes or No)
(2) Is Jesus Unchangeable? (Yes or No)
(3) What religion did Jesus Practice? “JUDAISM”
(4) So why are we not looking or taught Christianity through Judaism?

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