Friday, June 26, 2009

The Game is Not Moral Monopoly and Jesus is not a get out of Hell Free Card

Why such a strange title you may ask. During these past weeks several people have questioned Brian’s acceptance of Jesus’ death on the Cross as the Sin offering for his Salvation. Both Rick and I look upon this as this modern day effort by hyper-dispensationalists without any respect towards their own behavior or personnel piety. Our Sin offering Jesus Christ is only accepted if we repent of our sins and ask that the Sacrifice of Jesus be accepted by Adonai (The Lord God Most High) as our offering for attoment of our sins there by fulfilling the commandment to offer Sacrifice to him under the requirements of Leviticus 9:1-4
1. And it came to pass on the eighth day, that Moses called Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel;
2. And he said unto Aaron, Take thee a young calf for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering, without blemish, and offer them before the LORD.
3. And unto the children of Israel thou shalt speak, saying, Take ye a kid of the goats for a sin offering; and a calf and a lamb, both of the first year, without blemish, for a burnt offering;
4. Also a bullock and a ram for peace offerings, to sacrifice before the LORD; and a meat offering mingled with oil: for to day the LORD will appear unto you

Many Christians are taught and some through there own Christian Cultural understanding after reading the New Testament are lead to believe that Jesus’ Death on the Cross was to absolve them of the Sin’s committed by Adam. This in fact is true but only if you understand that the word Adam in Hebrew is not just a proper name for that being created in the Garden of Eden, but literally translated the word Adam means Man. For one to believe that Jesus died on the Cross for the Sin’s of the first Man, is absurd on it’s face, why then would Adonai (The Lord God Most High) have given the people of Israel 623 Commandments to comply with?

In the past 12 weeks through the series on Saul of Tarsus we have tried to address this misconception based on Talmudic teaching that Gentiles only have to live by 7 Noahide Laws and not the 613 Commandments of the Torah given by Adonai (The Lord God Most High) and followed by Jesus Christ the Jewish Messiah.

This is a misconception of gaining salvation from Jesus’ death as our sin offering, he is the sin offering for all men, if one accepts him as such one must first acknowledge what a sin is before Adonai (The Lord God Most High) which are not only given in the 10 commandments, but the 613 additional commandments given on Mt. Sani to the people of Israel by Adonai. For one to not understand or even care that they may be continuing to commit Sins before the Lord by not following the WILL of Adonai in these 613 Mitzvoth is a misunderstanding of the Torah.

Every year on Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year there is a 10 day period between the New Year and the Day of Atonement Yom Kippur. This is a time that we are given to take retrospect of the Sins we committed during the previous year. It is a time when we are to ask forgiveness from Adonai. It is a time when we need to seek Jesus to intercede on our behalf, much how Aaron was directed to do when he performed the Sacrifices in the Temple for forgiveness of our sins.

One thing Christians fail to understand is that it wasn’t just about the sacrifice it is all about the repentance for the Sins you have committed before Adonai. Sin in a simple form is failing to follow any of God’s directions. We are so busy looking at or calling it Law. What it really boils down to is will you follow what I have told you to do or will you do whatever you chose.

Remember after Jesus confronted the men who were about to stone the prostitute and gaining her release by telling them let he who is without Sin cast the first stone, Jesus did not tell her go and sin all you want I have you covered, Jesus instructed her to go and sin not more.

The Lord Bless you and Protect you!
The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you!
The Lord bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!The Articles presented here are copy written by The Light In Christ Ministry in Sherman, TX.

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